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All Licensed Beauty Professionals in TN are Required to Take Domestic Violence Training

 Posted on August 05,2021 in Domestic Violence

Knoxville criminal defense for those Accused of Domestic ViolenceThe statistics of domestic violence are alarming. It is estimated that one in four women and one in seven men will experience domestic violence. In Tennessee, almost half of all crimes are domestic violence related. Tennessee also ranks in the top 10 states in the U.S. for women killed by men.

In an effort to help combat these numbers, Tennessee lawmakers have passed a new bill that will require all licensed beauty professionals in the state to undergo one hour of anti-domestic violence training.

HB 120/SB 216

Similar beauty professional domestic violence training laws have been enacted in a handful of states already. The relationship between a beauty professional and a client is often an intimate one, with clients having the comfort level of sharing personal information with the professional. In many domestic violence situations, the abuser has isolated the victim from their friends and family, yet still allows the victim to visit their hair salon, nail salon, barber, etc. That professional may be one of the only outside contacts the victim has.

There are approximately 50,000 beauty professionals currently licensed in the state. All licensees will have two years – from 2022 to 2024 – to complete the approved training, either in person or online. Cosmetology students will need to show they have taken the training prior to receiving their license. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2022.

Licensees will learn how to recognize the signs of possible domestic abuse, how to appropriately respond to a victim, and what resources are available to help the victim. They are not, however, required to become mandatory domestic violence reporters under the new law.

Some of the signs covered in the training that may indicate a client is a victim of domestic violence include:

  • Signs of physical abuse such as bald patches, bruises, and cuts

  • Sudden lifestyle changes

  • Irregular appointments

  • Partner coming and staying at every appointment

  • Hesitancy to do any type of style, color, etc., change without their partner’s permission

  • Self-blame

Domestic Violence Accusations

While the new law could make a difference in the lives of domestic violence victims, it may also open up the door to false accusations of domestic abuse in some situations. The penalties for domestic violence convictions in Tennessee are harsh. A conviction almost always means jail time and steep fines.

Domestic violence accusations can also affect child custody, with the accused being unable to see their child or only under supervised visits. The accused’s work can also be affected, with many employers now taking a hard stance against workers who are accused or convicted of violent crimes.

Contact a Knoxville, TN Defense Attorney

If you have been accused of domestic violence, you need an aggressive Knox County domestic violence attorney defending you against these charges. Call Jeffrey Coller, Knoxville Criminal Defense Lawyer at 865-281-1000 to schedule a free consultation. These charges are serious, so do not delay.



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